:::: MENU ::::

AU/NZ Closure Announcement

February 14, 2018 all-day
Dear all,

Please be informed that we will be closing the operation in Australia and New Zealand on Mar 1st, 2018. Due to low performance of the markets, the company cannot continue operating business in the two countries while meeting our service standard.
  •  Australia and New Zealand have already been removed from the country list on website for new enrollment
  • The existing distributors can still access their backoffice shopping cart to buy products until Feb 28th. All orders placed prior to Mar 1st will be shipped. The local logistics team will try their best to fulfill the remaining back-orders. The backoffice shopping cart will be deactivated after Feb 28th.
  • All commissions earned before the country closure will be paid as usual via OG Wallet.
  • The two countries’ Customer Service phone line and email support will be kept available until March 30th, 2018
  • If distributors wish to continue with their OG business, we can offer home country transfer however the distributors need to meet the membership criteria of the destination country and have shipping address in that country.

The HQ CSRs started on last Friday to contact the distributors in AU/NZ who are earning commissions, and explained to them about the situation. We plan to send the following eblast to the active distributors tomorrow.

Dear Organo Distributor,


We would like to inform you that Organo Gold Australia Pty Limited and Organo Gold New Zealand Limited will be no longer taking and processing orders starting March 01st, 2018.

We would like to thank you for all your efforts and support over these past 5 years of operations in Australia and New Zealand.

Distributors wishing to continue as authorized Organo Distributors may do so by contacting us for information on transferring their distributorship to another duly authorized country in which Organo conducts business.

Once again, we are very thankful and grateful to have you as part of our Organo Family.


