Hi Team
We know that the New Venture Pack 2’s buyers will get a Free Expo ticket and the ticket need to be redeemed within 30 days from the pack purchase date. In case the distributors need advice how to redeem the ticket, here are the steps that they can follow:
- – Go to expo.organogold.com
- – Click on “Buy” under “Purchase Ticket?”
- – In next page, fill in the distributor’s ID#, create the password, the rest of fields of Dist. info will be automatically filled,
- – Click on the arrow in blue tab and go to next page of Purchase Ticket, you will see the free Expo ticket message is on the top, and total amount is 0.
- – Click on the arrow and the free ticket will be redeemed.
Please note, the free ticket cannot be assigned to any other distributor’s account. However, if distributor wishes to assign the ticket to co-applicant of the same account, we can ask IT to make adjustment, please report these cases to TL’s