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NeuroTracker’s New Session Modes

NeuroTracker’s training program will add a few more session modes later in this week. Currently, the users have only one training mode called Core Session Mode. There will be five more session modes as following to be added to the app, for users to choose to exercise:
The instructional videos for these session modes can be found at this YouTube link. The videos clearly explain how those session types work and what are the differences between one another:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvt_UNx1cWI_nXcaG6RPEHSPmCN-HzwH9
The users can also access the videos from the Help dashboard in the App, see below screenshot: click on the “?” icon in the menu bar,  then click on “Session Mode Videos”. 


On another note, there is an “Email Support” option in the Help dashboard, when users send email from there, it will go to our Support email.
